I wrote a review titled 'Careless shipping, etc." and wish to amend that. It's true that ExpressKnit shipped half of my order incorrectly but they have since remedied the problem. After I notifed them of the mistake, I had to send a second notification before I had a reply. Then they asked for photos which I could not supply and, having met this before elsewhere, I thought they were trying to avoid rectifying the situation. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even before they saw my review, they reimbursed me for the missing fabric without asking me to send back the mistaken length. I am very satisfied and regret the review I gave.
The geometric fabric (I used the red version, which I did order) sews and drapes well and is an eye-catching pattern and combination of pleasing colours. The price asked was very reasonable and the service, if not 100%, was, at least, eventually, very satisfactory.